# Creating an ISO

Heavy packaging of Nexa Linux can be difficult, which is why we made our own ISO packaging script.

First, start off with a clean Arch Linux VM. No desktop enviroment, no users. Use the root user. You can set any password for root you like, it will be removed later.

Once you're in, install wget and nano.

sudo pacman -S nano wget

After installing the packages, download the necessary scripts:

wget https://nexalinux.github.io/scripts/nlcs.sh -O /tmp/nexa-prod/nlcs.sh
wget https://nexalinux.github.io/scripts/iso.sh -O /tmp/nexa-prod/iso.sh

Remove wget HSTS rules:

rm ~/.wget-hsts

Make the scripts executable:

chmod +x /tmp/nexa-prod/*

And now, execute nlcs.sh (NLCS):


After that's done, immediately run the ISO creator:


And now, grab the ISO in /home/eggs and you're done!